We're Here

For The Kids

Working side by side with parents to plant seeds of faith in our children.

*Our back parking lot is especially for young families! Use our lower entrance, and be sure to stop by at the PCCKids Welcome Desk to check your child in.

6 Weeks - 3 Years

9:15 Join the the pre-k and kindergarteners for an interactive Bible story and songs, then travel to the adjoining nursery for some play time.  Does not meet from Memorial Day-Labor Day.
Snack will be served, please let us know about any food allergies!

10:30  (9:30 from Memorial Day-Labor Day) Lots of snuggles, stories, and play await your little one with our trained volunteer staff in the nursery.  Available for the entire morning service!

***Please follow the signs for all programs to Drop Off at the Greenhouse Door and Pick Up at the Treehouse/Nursery Door. Thank you!

4 year olds - kindergarten

9:15 Join Topher the Gopher in the Treehouse for some Bible Fun!
Enjoy an interactive Bible story, songs, crafts, and memory verse games.  Does not meet from Memorial Day-Labor Day.
Snack will be served, please let us know about any food allergies!

***Please follow the signs for all programs to Drop Off at the Greenhouse Door and Pick Up at the Treehouse/Nursery Door. Thank you!

10:30 (9:30 from Memorial Day-Labor Day) Thrive, Jr: Join everyone upstairs for worship. Then head downstairs at dismissal to the Meadow.  There is time for free play, an interactive Bible lesson, games and songs!

1st - 5th Grade 

9:15 We are ready for fun in the Greenhouse! Join us for a jam-packed morning of worship, interactive Bible stories, small group connection and prayer.
This high energy program will keep your child moving and excited as we travel through the first books of the Bible!  Does not meet Memorial Day-Labor Day)

10:30 (9:30 from Memorial Day-Labor Day)Thrive: Join everyone upstairs for worship. Then head downstairs at dismissal to the Greenhouse.  We team up with the Journey Today Show for a meaningful lesson to help your child grow closer to God.

***Please note, there is no Thrive on the first Sunday of the month. Pick up a clipboard from the PCCKids Welcome Desk with a fun sermon notes sheet for your child! We also have doodle boards available!

Mighty Movers

When the weather allows, we love to meet up with our children for an afternoon of biking, scooters and friends in the church parking lot Wednesday mornings 10 am - 11:30 am.

Contact the office or our deacons with any questions at   or